The Allied Masonic Degrees (AMD) is a fraternal
body for those with interest and ability in
masonic research. The degrees of the AMD are
detached degrees, some of which were conferred
under Craft warrants and formed part of the then
loosely governed Freemasonry of the period.
Many of these detached degrees became dormant in
some places, although in others they were
conferred as side degrees. In time, the better of
these degrees were grouped together in an
organized body under the title of Allied Masonic
Degrees. The degrees comprising the system in our
Jurisdiction in the U.S.A. are the Royal Ark
Mariner, Secret Monitor, Knight of Constantinople,
Saint Lawrence the Martyr, Architect,
Superintendent, Grand Tilers of Solomon, Master of
Tyre, Excellent Master, Installed Sovereign
Master, Installed Commander Noah, Red Branch of
Eri, and Ye Ancient Order of Corks. They are
conferred in the United States in Councils
chartered by the Grand Council.
Membership in an AMD Council is strictly by
invitation and it is open to Companions of the
Royal Arch. Councils are presided over by a
Sovereign Master, assisted by the elected and
appointed officers. The maximum number of active
members of any Council is limited to twenty-seven.
Papers and discussions of masonic and related
topics are typically held at Council meetings, in
the context of a table lodge format.
Lux ex Oriente Council No. 379, AMD, was
chartered in 2000 by the Grand Council of the AMD
for the USA on a request from Martin P. Starr, a
member of the premier Illinois body, Even
Me'Ukevet Council, No. 167, AMD. We meet
quarterly, typically on the fourth Wednesdays of
the month, in conjunction with Even Me'Ukevet
Council. We welcome visiting Brethren of the
AMD with advance reservations made through the
The Charter officers of
Lux ex Oriente Council:
Sovereign Master
Martin P. Starr
Senior Warden
Omar L. Delacruz
Junior Warden
Benjamin T. Liberman
Richard H. Lozins
Thomas C. Hill IX
Senior Deacon
Johnathan E. Barnes
Junior Deacon
Geoffrey R. Hammond
Lawrence M. Coleman*
Ridgely Hunt